Roanoke Chapter
Meet'n'Greet Aims to Bridge Gap in Appointment Process
The Diversity Initiatives Committee and Roanoke Chapter host their first Meet'n'Greet for its members and local legislators. The evening was a success and the Diversity Initiatives Committee is excited to expand the program.
Roanoke Chapter
Nancy Reynolds Sworn in as Director for NCWBA
On August 5, 2022, Nancy Reynolds of the VWAA Roanoke Chapter was sworn in as a Director for the National Conference of Womens Bar Associations Board. The NCWBA is an Association for associations representing 35,000 women attorneys. The VWAA is a proud member and honored to see one of our own leaders serve on their Board.
Ms. Reynolds is a member of VWAA Roanoke Chapter and is serving as the 2022-2023 State Treasurer for the VWAA and a co-Chair of the Diversity Initiative Committee. She was also the recipient of the 2022 VWAA President's Award for her passion and dedication to women's development in law.
Roanoke Chapter
2022 Events & Activities
Below is a list of upcoming events in 2022:
A Meeting of the Membership on August 18, 5:00 pm, at the Green Goat.
On September 29 at 5:30 pm we will host a Meet ‘N Greet with our local legislators at Billy’s, 102 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011.
We will have the Annual Judicial Reception on December 1 at 6:00 pm. The location is to be determined.
Finally, the Roanoke Chapter is working with Kate Reese to host a local You Be The Judge program for Spring 2023 and is planning a CLE program that will include a trip to a winery.
Updates will be provided as the year unfolds.